Web Site Development, Disclaimer and Copyright Statement

All pages prefixed with "http://tooldoc.wncc.edu" (and "http://tooldoc.wncc.nevada.edu" prior to 4 February 2003) are copyright ©1998-2006 Dr. Steve Carman.
This site is not an official page or publication of Western Nevada Community College.
The college does not maintain or monitor the information contained on the site and is not responsible for its content.
The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent official positions or policies of Western Nevada Community College.
Graphics not created by Dr. Carman are used under fair use copyright laws -- if you find graphics that are not covered by those laws or you believe are being unfairly used, please contact Dr. Carman so that he may render them cited correctly or removed from this content.
This page created with Netscape Navigator Gold/Page Wizard by Dr. Steve Carman with assistance from Ms. Rita Heuser.
This site created with WebSite 1.1 by Dr. Steve Carman with assistance from Dr. Chuck Dreiling and Mr. Ken Sullivan.
This site formerly maintained with WebSite Pro 2.0 and HomeSite 2.5b by Dr. Steve Carman.
Effective 15 January 2006, this site maintained by Dr. Steve Carman and SCS at UNR.
June 2009, This site maintained on Dinohost, Inc.'s servers by Dr. Steve Carman

This page built 8 February 2003, 1706 hours, PST.
Uplinked 8 February 2003, 1737 hours, PST.
The previous information applies to, not only, academic works prior to 1 July 2021, but to works indicated on the main page as "Legacy Site (academic)", as well throughout the life time of the website and or author, whichever ceases first.

Works linked to and through the main page of this site, beginning 1 July 2021, as applied to "Double Flying S Goats and Saddle" are copyrighted works of Franklin S. Carman III, "dba" Steve Carman, henceforth. Best Viewed with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 11.0 in Windows 8 or FireFox. Website may not work properly on Windows Vista and IE 9.0 or smart phones or tablets. Chrome and FireFox (coupled with Charter) May Possibly Have Issues Loading the PDF Files You'll Be Using. Report errors of omission, facts, redundancy or repetition to saddledok@yahoo.com or emeritusproffsc3@gmail.com.
Updated 21 October 2021, 1610 hours, PDT.